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LILIPUT HO Scale Coaches your best discount LILIPUT model train source

The LILIPUT firm has been producing a wide array of high quality model railway products of European prototypes for over five decades. Of particular interest, Liliput specializes in era II German DRG and DR locomotives and rolling stock including unique military models.

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image-not-available.gif LILIPUT 334537 Express Train Coach 2nd Class B4ye-29b 72 044 M DB Ep.III

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lil334541 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334541 Schnellzugwg. 2.Kl., Bye 654 29-13 021-0 ,DB, Ep.IV

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lil334542 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334542 Express Train Coach 1st Class A4mp 241-015 DR Ep.III

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lil334543 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334543 Express Train Coach 2nd Class B4mp 241-213 DR Ep.III

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lil334544 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334544 Express Train Coach 2nd Class B4mp 241-215 DR Ep.III

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lil334548 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334548 Schnellzugwg. 2.Kl., 29-13 022-0 ,DB, Ep.IV m.Schlussl.

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lil334551 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334551 Baggage Van with Kitchen Compartment DRG Ep.II

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image-not-available.gif LILIPUT 334556 Baggage Van Pw4ye-29 105 274 DB Ep.III

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lil334557 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334557 Packwagen, Düe 927 92-43 072-8 ,DB, Ep.IV

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lil334558 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334558 Baggage Van Pw4 641-013 DR Ep.III

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lil334560 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334560 Eilzugwagen 1./2 .Kl., Baden, Ep.I

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lil334561 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334561 Eilzugwagen 1./2 ./3.Kl., Baden, Ep.I

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lil334562 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334562 Eilzugwagen 3.Kl., Baden, Ep.I

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lil334565 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334565 Eilzugwagen 2.Kl., B4i Ba,D 03, ,DRG, Ep.II

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lil334566 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334566 Eilzugwagen 2./3. Kl., BC4i Ba,D 02, ,DRG, Ep.II

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lil334567 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334567 Eilzugwagen 3.Klasse C4i Bad02, DRG, Ep.II

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lil334570 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334570 Eilzugwagen 2.Kl., B4i Ba,D 03 ,DB, Ep.III

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lil334571 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334571 Eilzugwagen 2./3.Kl., BC4i Ba,D 02 ,DB, Ep.III

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lil334572 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334572 Eilzugwagen 3.Kl., C4i Ba,D 02 ,DB, Ep.III

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lil334971 copy.jpg Liliput 334971 Personenwg., SBB EW-I, grün, neue Beschriftung, Typ A 1.Kl., Ep. IV

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lil334972 copy.jpg Liliput 334972 Personenwg., SBB EW-I, grün, neue Beschriftung, Typ B 2.Kl., Ep. IV

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lil334973 copy.jpg Liliput 334973 Personenwg., SBB EW-I, NPZ, Typ B 2.Kl., Ep.V

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lil334974 copy.jpg Liliput 334974 Personenwg., SBB EW-I, NPZ, Typ A/B 1./2.Kl., Ep.V

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lil334975 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334975 Personenwagen EW I, 1.Klasse, BLS, Epoche V / VI

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lil334976 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334976 Personenwagen EW I, 1./ 2. Klasse, BLS, Epoche V / VI

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lil334977 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334977 Personenwagen EW I, 2. Klasse, BLS, Epoche V / VI

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lil334983 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334983 Perswg. EW I 2.Kl., NPZ, SBB, Ep.V

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lil334984 copy.jpg LILIPUT 334984 Perswg. EW I 1.Kl., NPZ, SBB, Ep.V

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lil375507 copy.jpg LILIPUT 375507 Passenger Coach 4-axle B4 Blue ZB Ep.III-V

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lil375509 copy.jpg LILIPUT 375509 Passenger Coach 4-axle B4 Blue/Ivory ZB Ep.III-V

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